Heating Air Conditioning
Have you checked your car’s heating or air conditioning system lately? Has it been any recurring problem on yearly basis? If so do you make a habit of turning either your heater or AC at least once a month even if your car is sitting idle? Most idle car would inevitably suffer one or two problems on its AC. Take this advice from a car collector enthusiast even if yours is an idling brand new car.
Typically the car would suffer from leakage and need immediate replacement on its Drier unit, subsequently the AC system also need refrigerant refilling work. This happened not once to our 97 accord which was garaged and sitting idle much of its early 10 years time. Such problem should never occur had its AC and heater were turn on once a month or better every fortnight, yet the most frustrating part is when you do meticulously maintain the system but the trouble somehow appears.
Almost every two years the AC on our Volvo 960 need regular maintenance, or to be precise need AC repair work. On most occasions there is a distinct symptom before it gives in; whether the compressor emits peculiar noise or simply no cold air coming out of it. But once it did not give any hints at all; its air conditioner compressors simply blew away. It happened one particular early morning when my kids were just on their way to school. Luckily it was a few hundreds meter away from our home! Our driver was simply make a return and switch to our trusty minivan, leaving the AC repair work to be my duty calls.
Air Conditioning Maintenance
The beloved Volvo 960 took almost half day to get its
compressor work done, and simultaneously cleaning up the Evaporator
side in particular surrounding the blower area. Apparently it has managed to clog up due to almost 10 years of dust accumulation. Despite of some inherent noise emitted by its compressor the system worked well until about two years later. On every occasion the expansion valves which also serve as filtering mechanism within has to be replaced, very few in between it only needs orifice replacement.

On other occasion it requires merely clutch compressor replacement. Our 960 has two type of pressure within its system; low and high pressure in order to have efficient cooling ability as well as requiring less horsepower sapping from the engine, especially on those occasion upon sudden hard acceleration as its turbocharger kicks in.
Yet due to my schedule I have once again neglected its air conditioning maintenance. Since its
major repaint work for the past one year we have opted for artificial elongation on its life time by leaving the car idle. And this time around I could not find any refurbished compressor. It is the time for brand New Denso Compressor with Clutch
as well as Apco New Drier Or Accumulator
and Expansion valve; ouch! So have you checked yours recently? The prevailing fall may pose a threat to your air conditioning as the system would be turn on less frequently.
You obviously don’t typically need to go for a course at Top Rally Schools to figure out your air conditioning maintenance schedule! For more detail you may consider to consult your car Repair Manual
1 comment:
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