LED Angel Eye

The OEM equipped LED Angel Eye on your Rare and exotic car seems outdated? The thought of relentless car modifications haunting the soul to distinguish yours to other “ordinary” looking cars; if the pursuit of aesthetic rather than high performances, the original HID lighting Applications is one of the best places to start off.
LED Angel Eye

Such option offers fewer drawbacks than any other modifications at least it would be much more environmentally friendly. Though a HID lighting projector Headlamp might impose hazardous glare to the oncoming drivers, its surrounding LED Angel Eye would not, yet could provide significant aggressive look. The BMW 5 series has pioneered this unique style since the early 2000.

Its available from the most advanced technology of CCFL filament down to the cheapest around from the humble DIY stuff LED illuminated clear acrylic/plastic rod to the alternatively fiber optics cables. 

The trick to make it lights up like the true 'Angel Eye', the latter two options necessitates multiple cuts (scratches) along the designated length whereas each cut is ideally measuring about 2~3mm apart. The multiple cuts creates the light to visually 'escape' the ring..

Certainly only those individual with highly craftsmanship could make the difference fabricating unique customized 'Angel Eye' regardless of material and filament choices, but creativity would also play an important role. Average technical knowledge in conjunction with artistic approach might evolve from a mere widely available aftermarket product. Hence improving the aesthetic look is virtually boundless.

All the better for a HID OEM car equipped with no LED Angel Eye, such simple 'Angel Eye' or ‘Eyebrow’ upgrade would be a great enhancement; as some folks might regard ‘Eyebrow’ upgrade as better stylistic trend alternative. 

Who would have thought that interior illumination style of the early 1970s could inspire LED Angel Eye craze of 2011? It is actually a rotating thermostat knob on an Old Classic W114 Mercedes Benz!


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