Classic Ponton

Ambiguity does prevail these days to distinguish between Vintage to Classic Car. Nevertheless, it is quite delightful indeed spotting an un-restored 1961 Mercedes-Benz W120 at our friendly DCM workshop. The W 120 or also widely known as 180 and lately heightened a bit as Ponton is an exemplary Old car, and it seems has been under lots of TLC, for its last four years has been garaged and warm up on daily basis.

It may not clearly be depicted on this picture, yet making a Leisure comparison amongst the other later Mercedes Benz at DCM, the Classic Ponton’s interior is in remarkably condition. All the switches, gauges and wood panels are in working condition, though a few are definitely new, such as the lighter as well as air conditioner unit. At least it is not as shabby as the age suggests.

Classic Ponton 1
Even the exterior has shown better originality through out. The car of the era is characterized by lots of Chrome body parts. This Classic Ponton is particularly stands out down to the original drainage just below the door, and aft the rear wheel arch.

Classic Ponton 2
Here is a great chance to have a decent motoring experience with sturdy, solidly built and long lasting heritage car, it is a bullet proof daily drive as it is designed in much simpler engineering technology. It may be crude as in comparison to today modern motor car.

Classic Ponton 3
There are though traces of modern touches apart of a new set of tires, such as the Lead Acid Battery and Air conditioner is being represented by protruding blue capped nipple compressor as well as twin electrical extra cooling fan, and also to its right the valve expansion unit.

It would be interesting if the new owner who just spent a bit shy of US $15,000 make a ridiculous alteration such as fitting HID lighting Applications to improve its night driving safety. Would you like to bet on this?
Classic Ponton 4

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