A Harley (MoGe)


I am a car freak but barely familiar with big motor bike. As far as making good observation on the bike, I can tell that it's two cylinders. The bike also features huge brake disc upfront, well covered exhaust manifold all the way from engine to the muffler, Nos equipped with bluish Nos canister tube and better looking steering bar than other Harley.

There is equally big twin telescopic absorber upfront and a nice set of magwheels. I must admit the whole look is simply harmony in beauty.

And, the way the bike is presented on a special moveable frame right on top of medium size fish pond and at front side of music stage is an eclectic view.

I have seen similar bike make but with much larger engine capacity. No need to inform its volume by cc, but say it has eight (8) cylinders. The bike occupies a big garage of a friend of mine where right above the garage is where his family take a swim or two. Right, a swimming pool above the garage. The same garage where he keeps a few of exotic and rare cars such as Ferrari, C36-AMG and Porche.

But, my intention is to share that a powerful bike does not equate to a harmony beauty Harley. Picture on the right further strengthening a nice building up nuance.

That is a good ambience and atmosphere that people could enjoy while they are having a good meal. I will not go into detail on the kind of dishes available there. It is not about this very blog, is not a suitable article here.

But if you insist you could pay a visit to this link Family quality time in Bandung.

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