New Cars Excited Gloomy Auto Market #2

The most popular cars in terms of sales and as well as being the target to be stolen is the sub 160 Millions Rupiah (approximately US $ 16 grand) worth Toyota 1500 cc Avanza MPV; it is a no thrilling basic city car but very functionally built for the purposes (read on…). It is almost 70 Millions cheaper than that of 340 units sold out yet similarly sized Honda Freed MPV within two days of its introduction.

MPV segment has accounted for the bulk of new cars sales in Indonesian auto market, its less than 1500 cc engine sub segment had grown from approximately 44% in 2004 to 46% by 2008 at 279,051 unit sales. And by May Year to Date (YTD) it has contributed 54% out of the total new cars sales at 91,884 of unit sales. The segment has long been enthusiastically preferred by Indonesian new car buyers as it typically accommodates 7 plus passengers as well as being frugal and most of all affordable.

Yet it is the segment that also suffered the most due to the recent downturn crisis; particularly due to the unfavourably Rupiah’s depreciation toward US Dollars exchange currency. For example the Avanza cost merely US $ 12 Grand in mid 2006 and due to its foreign sourced materials has raised by US $ 4 Grand in 2009. Though no doubt other factors played the roles as well; such as tax hike, oil price and car insurance rate increase. And perhaps arguably the twice of National Election events: on House Representative level as well as the recently Presidential Election which its voting is still being counted upon.

Ironically the top nine brands of new cars sales remain the same from 2008 to 2009 but Mercedes Benz; climbing two notches from 12th rank position to the 10th. The brand achieved 2,872 cars sales the highest since 2004 and by the month of May YTD has already sold 1,191 units, no other premium or non luxury European automakers could come close to this sales feat! With the exception of the 9th ranked Ford, yet most US affiliated companies in Indonesia bought this brand as their fleet both directly or indirectly through long term rental basis.

The new cars sales of Mercedes Benz was lead by 373 S-Class units (tied with BMW 3 series), 269 E-Class units (BMW 5 series was 153) and 15 units of 1.8 Billions Rupiahs SL in 2008! The price of Mercedes Benz SL-63 AMG in US seems a bargain compare to an SL 350 over here (Check the Indonesian version of Benz’s new car price list!). Long live Capitalism!

There has been a number of fairly recent new releases in Indonesian Auto market, they are amongst other; Hyundai i10, Honda New City, Suzuki Grand Vitara, Suzuki Swift GTS2, Chevrolet Cruze, New Proton Saga and Mitsubishi Pajero Sport. Overall Indonesian new cars June sales gained 10% increase over the previous month figures. And what happened to our popular Peugeot brand in European auto market? This brand has made 15 sales up to May YTD; down from 59 units (excluding 8 units imported by unofficial dealers) in the whole 2008 year period.

Despite of relatively robust one digit economic growth and numerous new cars are being released have not apparently helped the gloomy auto market in Indonesia, the month of June YTD sales were still -28.2% as compare to the same month last year (210.245 vs 292.635). The figures show comparatively worse condition than other countries including US (-27.7%), Japanese (-14.5%), Australian’s (-3.5%) and European continent (+2.4%) auto markets. Certainly with the exception of relatively inelastic German luxury car segment; the Mercedes Benz! Higher new cars sales would present itself by the coming Indonesian own International Motor Show…. perhaps.

sources; GAIKINDO and

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